How secure is my data?
Great Minds holds data securely on DPUK’s IT infrastructure. This uses the MRC-supported UK Secure e-Research Platform (UKSeRP) and operates under the highest accredited Information Security Management System (ISMS). Members' names and contact details are held in an encrypted database hosted by UKSeRP and all data and backups remain within UKSeRP secure infrastructure.
Cambridge Cognition and Mezurio provide online and smartphone-based memory and mood assessments for Great Minds. The online memory and mood data is ‘pseudoanonymised’, which means that members' names are replaced by numeric codes so that the data is non-identifiable, before it is stored on their secure servers. Data collected by Mezurio will be encrypted and sent to a secure server within the University of Oxford Big Data Institute, maintained at a standard suitable for GDPR compliant clinical trials. Cambridge Cognition are part of the secure UKSeRP secure infrastructure.