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John Gallacher



University of Oxford


John Gallacher is Professor of Cognitive Health at Oxford University and Director of Dementias Platform UK (DPUK), an MRC-funded public-private partnership focused on accelerating research into the early detection and treatment of dementia. With a new diagnosis every three seconds and more than 50 million cases globally, dementia is one of the biggest public health challenges facing science and governments in the 21st century.

An expert on brain health and the use of big data in medical research, Professor Gallacher holds a visiting professorship at Imperial College London and an honorary professorship at the University of Hong Kong. He is the principal investigator for the Caerphilly Prospective Study and a member of the UK Biobank steering group, leading on cognitive and psychological assessment.

Dementias Platform UK

DPUK has increased the capacity of dementia research in the UK by developing national technological networks, research collaborations and a data portal that is accessible to researchers worldwide. This promotes research in experimental medicine and with cohort data.

DPUK's Data Portal facilitates secure access to cohort data, enabling research and analyses at a scale that has not previously been possible for studies into dementia. This powerful combination of technology and expertise is helping detect the earliest signs of dementia.