Our latest Great Minds Live event was in Nottingham with expert speakers talking about how we can look to live well with dementia.
Hosted by Dr. Simon Young of Dementias Platform UK, our GREAT MINDS LIVE event in Nottingham had guest speakers with expertise on living well with dementia.
Sube Banerjee MBE, MB BS MSc MBA FRCPsch is Pro-Vice Chancellor of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Nottingham and a specialist in improviing quality of life in older age. He was joined by Martin Prince, Assistant Principal (Global Health) who is Professor of Epidemiological Psychiatry at King’s College London where he specialises in ageing and chronic disease in low and middle income countries and talked about what we can all learn from the way these countries manage cgnitive impairment and dementia. You can watch the whole event again at: https://youtu.be/UqRJQQr9qtc
Great Minds Live In NEWPORT - New Treatments for dementia
The Great Minds event brought together experts and members for an update on the search for treatments for dementia. This unique event offered insights into the latest advancements in dementia research.
On October 19th, 2023, the Great Minds live event was held at the Mercure Hotel in Newport, Wales. This was a great opportunity for our Great Minds participants to stay informed about the latest advancements in dementia research and treatments. You can catch up on the event in the video at link: https://youtu.be/GEAbsRvL5GQ?si=m9-tZ624rU-66P-E
The event featured speakers from University of Oxford, Newcastle University, and Aneurin Bevan University Health Board with valuable insights into living with dementia, national and local capabilities for dementia care, and exciting scientific developments.
The event started with an introduction by Dr. Ivan Koychev, Great Minds lead. This was followed by an insightful talk on the experiences of those living with dementia and the challenges they face.
Other notable speakers included Dr. Chineze Ivenso who highlighted local opportunities and capabilities. Oliver John discussed evidence-based approaches to the commissioning of services in Wales'. The presentations after the break by Dr. Robert Barber on new therapies and Dr. Vanessa Raymont on scientific developments were well received by the audience and generated a lot of questions.
Feedback after the fact indicates it was a huge success. Nearly all attendees said they enjoyed the event. Almost everyone (98%) was eager for a similar event in the future.
Key highlights included learning about the experiences of those living with dementia, exciting scientific developments, and insights into how new therapies can be implemented in memory clinics.
The Great Minds event provided an excellent opportunity for collaboration and knowledge sharing between the community, dementia researchers and healthcare providers. We look forward to future editions of this impactful event.
If you missed the event, you can catch up with the event or watch it at your convenience at this link: https://youtu.be/GEAbsRvL5GQ?si=dchDokFtsue6p0mN