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We're pleased to announce that our next Great Minds Live event on THURSDAY 1st MAY will be entirely hosted online.

The theme of our next live event is 'Diagnostic Advances in Dementia'. This event is online-only. So we will be presenting everything virtually. There have been some exciting developments in diagnostics research and they are helping to bring the prospect of simpler, accurate, methods for diagnosis into the NHS.  

For many people attending this event online will be very familiar. However, if you have not joined like this before, we hope you'll find it easy enough.

First, you will need to book at our booking page. Much nearer the event we will send you the link to use on the day of the event.


Prof Paresh Malhotra

We are delighted to have Professor Paresh Malhotra of Imperial College London, talking about the mechanisms which lead to dementia and how these relate to diagnosis.  He is a distinguished researcher into cognitive deficits that are caused by Neurological conditions such as stroke and neurodegeneration. He has been involved in developing treatments for these diseases and is actively involved in the development and assessment of new treatments.


Dr. Amanda Heslegrave

Our second speaker is Dr. Amanda Heslegrave of University College, London. She will be talking about how researchers are now able to focus their attention on diagnoses using blood biomarkers. 

The event will be slightly shorter than recent live events, beginning at an earlier time of 12 noon, and ending at 2pm.