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Our next Great Minds Live event for volunteers is taking place in Nottingham on the afternoon of Wednesday 23rd October 2024. The theme for the event is Living well with Dementia.

University of Oxford’s Dr Ivan Koychev will share the latest updates in dementia research and we are pleased to confirm Sube Banerjee MBE, Pro-vice Chancellor and Professor of Dementia, University of Nottingham, will be speaking.

A full agenda will be shared soon.

Venue: Brailsford Suite, The Orchard Hotel & Restaurant, Beeston Lane, Nottingham, NG7 2RJ (or join event online)

Date: 23rd October approx. 14:00-17:00pm. Exact timings TBC

You can join us in person in Nottingham or online. Our in person event has limited capacity and is expected to fill up quickly so please only register to attend if you are sure you can commit to being there on the day.  It will mean fewer people are disappointed when they look to register to attend. 

Details on how to register for the event will be shared soon.